Friday, November 28, 2008

Welcome to my baby blog!

Well, after watching dozens of my friends successfully write blogs about their precious little ones, I decided to jump on the bandwagon, and start my own blog about Kamryn! I love sharing these stories with other mothers. I have learned so much from my friends experiences, that I can't wait to share about our life with Kamryn.

Kamryn was born on December 20th of last year. She was one month early. My doctor was in Paris, so another doctor took a look at my ultrasound. She told me that my baby hadn't grown in two weeks and she needed to come out ASAP. Kamryn was breech, so I had a c-section. The day she was born was wonderful, but the recovery was very difficult from the surgery. What was even more difficult....all of the crying. Yes, I know. Babies cry. That's what they do. But Kamryn's crying was different. She wouldn't stop for hours. When we took her to the doctor, she blew us off. She basically told us she was probably just gassy and had to outgrow it. After doing my own research on the web, I knew she had acid reflux. I took her back to the doctor, and the doc agreed it was acid reflux. Gee, thanks. Needless to say, I "fired" my doctor.

It took months to find the proper medicine that would nip the reflux in the bud. Finally a blend of axid and prevacid seemed to do the trick. But her reflux lasted for five months, and it was the hardest time of our lives. Kamryn would scream and cry for hours. I would sometimes just cry with her.

Today, she is completely over the reflux. Kamryn is the happiest baby I've ever seen!! She now has five teeth. She is getting so big! She nineteen pounds....I can't believe she was just over four pounds at birth!! Kamryn was worth every bit of hardship we went through in the beginning.

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