Friday, January 16, 2009

New Foods for Kami!

Well, now that Kami has passed her one year mark, it's time to ease up on the liquid foods and get her more on solids. This has been quite a challenge because she does not handle different textures very well at all. But persistence has really paid off. In this picture, she is eating lasagna and green beans! As you can see, she's fighting it. But at the same time, she is still eating it. Sometimes, she turned her head away and the spoon hit her face, hence the messy food all over her. She used to hate chicken noodle. Now, she likes it! For the first time ever, she ate little pieces of chicken. She watched me eat chicken and she looked like she wanted to take the food away from me. So I gave her little bitty pieces and she ate it! But if the piece was too big she would spit it out. This is the age where I really need to watch with the choking. I took a CPR/First Aid class last week, which taught us how to handle a choking victim. I pray to the good Lord above that I never have to use this knowledge.

The other pictures are of Josh taking the binky away with his mouth. I thought it was too cute!

1 comment:

G33kyG4m3rGur1 said...

ha ha ha!!! look at that mess!!!